무서운 지역에서의 위험한 임무에 참여하는 두려움 없는 스쿼드 13에 합류하세요. 2D 지형 위를 헬리콥터로 날아가, 죄수들을 탐색하고, 그들을 구조하여 레벨업합니다.
스쿼드 13은 기본적으로 초플리프터의 벡터 스타일 버전입니다. 헬리콥터를 조종하여, 위험한 장소에서 죄수들을 탐색하고 구조합니다.
헬리콥터를 조종하고 위험한 구조 임무를 완료합니다.
다양한 지형을 통과하는 도전에 직면합니다.
음악: 켜짐 - [M]을 눌러 음소거하거나 매력적인 사운드 트랙을 즐기세요.
장애물을 피하면서 모든 죄수를 구조하여 레벨업합니다.
This game is so much fun! I love the retro graphics and the challenging gameplay. The music is also really cool and adds to the atmosphere. I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves classic arcade games.
I'm having a blast playing this game! The graphics are great and the gameplay is addictive. I love the fact that there are different levels to play and that you have to rescue all the prisoners to progress. The controls are easy to learn but challenging to master. This game is definitely worth a try!
This game is a classic! I remember playing it when I was a kid and it's just as fun now. The graphics may be retro, but the gameplay is still solid. I love the fact that you can rescue prisoners and that there are different levels to complete. The music and sound effects are also great and add to the atmosphere. Overall, this is a great game that I highly recommend.
I'm not usually a fan of helicopter games, but this one is really good. The graphics are simple but effective and the gameplay is challenging but not too difficult. I love the fact that you have to rescue prisoners and that there are different levels to complete. The music and sound effects are also great and add to the atmosphere. Overall, this is a great game that I would recommend to anyone.
This game is so addictive! I can't stop playing it. The graphics are cute and the gameplay is challenging. I love the fact that you can rescue prisoners and that there are different levels to complete. The music and sound effects are also great and add to the atmosphere. Overall, this is a great game that I highly recommend.
I'm not usually a fan of side-scrolling games, but this one is really good. The graphics are simple but effective and the gameplay is challenging but not too difficult. I love the fact that you have to rescue prisoners and that there are different levels to complete. The music and sound effects are also great and add to the atmosphere. Overall, this is a great game that I would recommend to anyone.